quinta-feira, dezembro 29, 2005

2005 em revista e 2006 à porta

Estamos no final de 2005 e a história repete-se. É tempo de balanços e fazer uma retrospectiva do ano que se despede…

2005: Tive o prazer de voltar a sentir o calor do sol brasileiro e (re)visitar duas cidades europeias místicas: Barcelona e Londres;
Rendi-me ao culto do corpo e fiz do ginásio uma segunda casa. Vale a pena ter "mente sã em corpo são”;
Mudança de visual =);
Muita acção e rotina, alegrias e tristezas q.b.;
Ano rosa no que toca à política. Os laranjinhas já não são o que eram (e ainda bem);
O glorioso foi, finalmente, campeão;
Verão quente por excelência: calor sufocante, seca extrema e incêndios de norte a sul do país;
Os atentados bombistas voltaram a espalhar o pânico mundial;
Portugal foi palco do MTV European Music Awards;
Catástrofes naturais assolaram o mundo e espalharam a destruição.

Em traços (muito) gerais, eis o meu balanço de 2005. Não foi mau, mas poderia ter sido melhor. Muito ficou por fazer e dizer ao longo dos seus 365 dias. Contudo, 2006 prepara a sua entrada triunfal com champanhe, passas e a lista de desejos da praxe, sendo recebido com toda a pompa e circunstância típicas da época. Espero que seja um ano em grande estilo marcado por momentos felizes, projectos, sonhos realizados e surpresas positivas com muita saúde, alegria e paz. Que o espírito “ano novo, vida nova” se apodere de todos nós e que 2006 seja um ano intensamente explosivo para mais tarde recordar =)
Até para o ano!!!

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Att: Blondie II

Mmmmm where do I start ! Lets talk about 2005 first ! Yeap we joined the gym right at the begining of the year so it helped us get into shape for the summer which was the best .... Then there was BCN ..a place we have to return to AND soon - only if it's just for the wkend. Seen the sights so now this time its live the night to the fullest !

Then you took me to your home town ... now that was also a blast :) was a pretty cool wkend !!!

Then there was our other wkend at Light Beach to continue with our beach and party summer mood.

Hey you forgot to metion the PGA B'day party which had that "sandy" feel to it .. heheheheh couldn't have been at a better place ....

Plus you fogot to mention that W was the b'day party venue this year .... us girls didnt miss 1 b'day at that place !

Then there was your first contact with red blooded Aussies ... ??? How was it for you ? You know how it was for me :)
AI Q SAUDADES !!!!!!!!

Then Summer began tO say goodbye and we moved straight into the cold with our stay in London ... "mind the gap love" hehehee. And you had your first Pub Grub. Gotta love those pubs and the grub :) There's another place we are returning too..... Seen the sights so lets check out the night life :)

Then we started to unwind and get into the winter freeze period ! Yuck .. how I miss our summer action :( This summer we didnt stop ....

Hey you also travelled executive class TP to London with your first nearly "free" ticket! Now that's style ..... stuff economy class ... "hey where'e my Camambert". That one will stay with me for life :)

Now now .. what can we expect for 2006 ... Well we've choosen our hot spots ... well our European destinations at least --- BCN + FNC + LON + MXP ---

I dont know which order we are going to do them in but untill the 31st Dec 2006 they will be seen places ! Part of the new years resolutions will be achieved !
Some places are repeats but its because we love them so much .. hehheeh (and cause we get free accommodation ... and the tkt too HAHAHAHAHA) Joking ....

This year beach continues on our game plan ... right ???? (of course you are saying at this time)

Ow yeah I forgot AMS + NYC but thise have to be seen if possible throught the year :)

Then there's our continued "love" for the gym ... right ? (also another of course i'm hearing far far away hehehehe)

Miga .. thanks for a GREAT 2005 .... I really liked 2005, hope 2006 is just as super. Hope we continue with this life we lead. Always fully booked and always looking ahead to try fit more things in to our already busy calender.

Signed : WATCH OUT 2006
Blondie I

PS . and 2007 if this keeps up !

pedro disse...

E claro, com o nosso grande Benfica a ganhar o caneco europeu na final contra o Barça. Vamos a Paris ver o jogo? ;-)